Misconceptions Parents Should Not Have About Baby Swimming Lessons
Most parents and even pediatricians believe that baby swimming lessons are not safe. This is definitely incorrect. When you trust people that are experienced in working with babies, the experience is one that is really positive. However, numerous misconceptions exist so we should talk about the really common ones.
Baby Swimming Lessons Are Not Safe
We should start with the most common misconception you will ever hear. The general belief is, unfortunately, that baby swimming is not safe. The truth is that babies are very comfortable when in water. They actually have an innate swimming motion imitation. Up until around 6 months old, the baby instinctively holds his/her breath when being submerged. Through infant swimming lessons you can easily capitalize on the natural reflexes that the baby has.
Swimming is good for babies and actually prevents injuries. It helps develop the baby’s body with low-impact exercising.
Infections Appear When Water Enters The Ear Of The Baby
The fact that water automatically causes ear infections is just wrong. Even in the event that this would actually happen, the natural defenses of the human ear are quite impressive. Narrower ear canals can easily trap some water but this does not mean that infections appear. All you really have to do is to dry the baby’s ears and face, just like you do with you after swimming.
Babies Forget Swimming Lessons
Parents often make the mistake of underestimating their babies. This is also the case with this misconception. The brain of a baby is just like a sponge. It keeps picking up and then retaining skills and knowledge. This is especially the case with motor skills, like what is needed for swimming, running and walking.
As the baby consistently swims during his/her first months, everything turns into muscle memory. It will be really easy for the baby to swim in the future and forgetting is not something that happens.
Older Children Are Better At Learning Swimming As They Understand Instructions
Remember that professionals actually recommend swimming for infants when they are even four months old. There are clear advantages to starting early, besides instinctive reflexes and muscle memory.
A baby is fearless and very malleable, much more than a toddler. The toddler starts to learn and always tries to exert personal will. Anxieties and fears develop and it is difficult to follow instructions. Teachers end up being too focused on dealing with fears instead of teaching children how to swim.
The Baby Will Get A Cold
It is a shame to see so many parents that are overprotecting. They dress their babies way too much. This is why many think that swimming will cause colds in babies. Nothing really causes colds except for the rhinovirus, which is passed through exhalations, coughs and sneezes. Pool water has no effect on this.
Keep in mind that swimming does not cause illness. Actually, it helps expand lung capacity while strengthening the baby’s cardiovascular system. Baby swimming lessons basically boost the immunity of the child and make him/her much healthier.